When you think of an accountant you are probably thinking “Andy.” Andy is your typical accountant but his personality adds a few twists to keep him from being too predictable. He is very orderly and likes to be in control of the details. Andy is a great teacher and loves helping people understand their accounting systems. He has great analytical skills and loves problem solving. He enjoys working with clients in order to help them make difficult management decisions. Most importantly, Andy knows the details are important but he makes sure he never loses sight of the big picture.
Andy graduated from Grand Valley State University. He began working at Geenen & Kolean in 1999, and became a partner in the firm in 2010. Andy’s professional experience and youthful excitement for the profession put him on the cutting edge of accounting and technology trends. He works very closely with the firm’s dental and orthodontic practice clients.
Andy actively participates in the community and is currently serving on the board of directors for the Zeeland Education Foundation. He is a member of the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Andy is married and has three children. He enjoys golfing, gardening, woodworking and banjo pickin.