The Michigan minimum wage will be increasing to $8.15 on September 1, 2014. The minimum wage will continue to increase over the next four years until it reaches $9.25 on January 1, 2018.
The current minimum wage is $7.40. The current tipped employee hourly wage rate is $2.65.
As of September 1, 2014, the minimum hourly wage rate will increase to $8.15. The tipped employee wage rate will increase $3.10. If gratuities plus the tipped minimum hour wage rate are under the minimum wage of $8.15, the employer is still required to make up the difference.
Minors of 16-17 years old may still be paid 85% of the minimum hourly wage rate as long as it is equal to or higher than the federal minimum wage rate of $7.25.
Please refer to this page for more information regarding the wage increase.
Our office can help you prepare for this change and answer questions you may have. Please contact us at 616.393.0398.
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