The stacks of paper miles high, the burning of the midnight oil, and short weekends have faded into the background. We have now spent time outside of our offices collaborating on new projects, stretched our legs with an after tax season celebration, and enjoyed some fresh air while volunteering for Tulip Time (see Life & […]
Archives for April 2014
Tulip Time Volunteering 2014
To help out with Tulip Time the Geenen & Kolean team placed stakes in the ground with tulip labels, so those enjoying the flowers can know which kind they are looking at. It felt great to help the community prepare for Tulip Time!
End of Tax Season Celebration
To celebrate the end of tax season we took a walk along the Mt. Pisgah Dune Boardwalk. It was chilly; however, the relaxation of a satisfying walk and the beautiful views were well worth the colder temperatures. What a great way to end a wonderful tax season!
Individual Shared Responsibility Provision
As of January 1, 2014 it is mandated everyone must be covered by a health insurance plan that meets the minimum essential coverage guidelines. The tax associated with this will be present next year during tax season. If you do not have coverage in 2014 you may have to pay the greater of: $95 per […]
FAQs for Tax Season (Part 4 of 4)
Another common question asked during tax season is how do I know when to file quarterly individual estimated tax payments? For the Period: Date Payment is Due: 1/1 – 3/31 April 15 4/1 – 5/31 June 16 6/1 – 8/31 September 15 9/1 – 12/31 January 15 (of the next year) The date of postmark […]